Launch of Strengthening Communities

The Scottish Government's Strengthening Communities programme was formally launched on Tuesday 1st April by the Housing and Welfare Minister, Margaret Burgess.

Click here to read the official press release.

SCDC's Supporting Communities programme is a key part of this overall programme, and will be delivering support to around 100 community organisations over the next year. This support aims to increase the capacity of community groups and organisations to effect change and contribute to the regeneration of their communities.

SCDC has started working with 24 groups who applied to the programme when we first announced it in late 2013

These include community organisations from across Scotland doing a wide range of activities and with a diverse spectrum of support needs. We are currently supporting Dumbarton Road Corridor Environment Trust to communicate their work and message to the wider community and other agencies. In March, we assisted Thrumster Park Regeneration Fund to engage with local people and identify their priorities. We are also helping to build the capacity of the newly recruited board of the Scottish-wide Sierra Leone Support Association.

If you would like to find out more about the support package being offered by SCDC, or if you are aware of groups that may benefit, please visit the Supporting Communities page on the SCDC website.
