Engagement in Local Development Plans

Here are the key points from SCDC’s response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on ‘Effective community engagement in local development planning’ guidance in September 2023.

The guidance forms part of the Government’s work on reform of the planning system and implementation of the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019.

A proactive, deliberative approach

In its current draft, we are not confident that the guidance and the approach it takes will make much difference to community engagement in planning. There is an opportunity to overhaul how engagement around planning is done – e.g. proactively using innovative approaches which support informed deliberation and a proper power shift towards communities worst impacted by poor planning.

An emphasis on equality

There are welcome paragraphs on equality and human rights and recognition of barriers faced by groups with protected characteristics. We believe the guidance should build on this by highlighting why these groups need to be involved – i.e. that their views are essential in order to achieve better outcomes for all.

The need for support

Support, particularly community development support, is required in order for planning to focus on the priorities of marginalised and disadvantaged communities who, in addition to being worst affected by poor planning, are in less of a position to be able to develop LPPs despite having key insights on what is needed in order to make planning more effective, fair and sustainable.

Using and connecting with existing plans

We would also like to see the guidance emphasise the importance of pro-actively seeking existing community plans, including community-led action plans, locality plans, and any other reports and less formal material produced, or contributed to, by community groups. In particular, we would welcome an acknowledgement of the position of community-led action plans in contributing to the LDP, whether this is separately from LPPs or incorporated within them. We argue for these linkages to be made with full parity of esteem for communities in LDPs, particularly, but not only, where there is an LPP in place

Innovative approaches

Innovative approaches which could be incorporated into the guidance include citizen’s assemblies, mini publics, lived-experience panels and grassroots activism so that the very way in which planning is done, from the beginning, is based on the priorities of people in all communities and, in particularly, those likely to be affected worst by poor planning.

More information

  • Read SCDC’s full response to the consulation. Download pdf.

  • See the consultation page on the Scottish Government website, where you can read the draft guidance. Visit website.

  • Learn what else SCDC has been doing in relation to local development plans and local place plans. Click here to view.

  • View more resources related to planning on the Communities Channel Scotland website. Visit website.