With the launch of the latest phase of the Democracy Matters consultation, we're encouraging community organisations to get involved and help shape how local decisions are made in the future.

Before the pandemic, the Scottish Government and CoSLA launched the first phase of the consultation to explore the kinds of decisions communities wanted greater control and influence over.

Running until February 2024, the second phase is now focused on what decision-making powers might look like, and how potential new decision-making bodies might work.

SCDC is working with DTAS to host local events across Scotland, as well as three national webinars to assist communities using the self-facilitation guide and consultation engagement funding to make their views known. You can view the video from the first webinar here

Why we think it's vital communities have their say

During the pandemic, we saw the crucial contribution community organisations made in supporting the most vulnerable in our society, and how locally made decisions were central to the emergency response to an unprecedented community need.

Now, as we face the potential for re-thinking what new powers could look like in the future, we think it's vital that communities have a chance to share their priorities - especially those communities who feel further away from power and influence right now.

What will come out of the consultation remains to be seen, but we urge communities and community organisations to take this important opportunity to help shape what local democracy – and local decision-making – could look like in Scotland in the years to come.
You can read more about the consultation here.